Here, here, Lee. I’m not with an Amazon imprint, but I publish on Amazon, and after years with trnaitiodal publishers, I can say that I’ve had more exposure and am making more money with Amazon than I ever did with the Big 6.I valued my time with those traditional publishers, but being in control of my own destiny, and reaping the rewards for my hard work, is a much better place to be.
Reviews (4)
Jonalyn 08. feb 2017 at 17:19
If you're reading this, you're all set, paerdrn!
Jenita 06. feb 2017 at 11:43
I feel saifetisd after reading that one.
Gildas 05. feb 2017 at 7:13
Here, here, Lee. I’m not with an Amazon imprint, but I publish on Amazon, and after years with trnaitiodal publishers, I can say that I’ve had more exposure and am making more money with Amazon than I ever did with the Big 6.I valued my time with those traditional publishers, but being in control of my own destiny, and reaping the rewards for my hard work, is a much better place to be.
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